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For centuries, diamonds have been used to symbolize true love. And the newest expression of love, in gold and diamonds, is the Two Stone ring. Whether you choose to view the two principal diamonds as representative of the perfect match between two people, or to symbolize different aspects of your very special relationship, the Twogether collection perfectly expresses the unique character of your love.

With all mountings cast in 14KT gold, each style is meticulously handcrafted to show stunning detail and provide maximum wearability. Every diamond in each Twogether ring has been specifically hand selected to meet exacting standards of cut, clarity, and color to provide a dazzling display of brilliance. After the painstaking selection process, each diamond is then carefully handset by a Master Setter, typically using a microscope, so that each piece represents an elegant example of the Master Craftsman’s art.

Now also including pendants and earrings, every design in the Twogether Collection is a masterpiece. If you’re looking for the perfect symbol for your amazing love, look no further. You have found it.


Twogether…When One Plus One Equals Us


Flawless Beauty Within Reach

Lafonn offers extravagant expertly crafted designs in sterling silver bonded in platinum, handset with the world’s finest simulated diamonds. 

Click on the image shown to view the entire line of Lafonn jewelry.

Collection starting at $100

Bridal Bells Engagement Ring Collection

Stop in to see our sample line of stunning engagement rings from the Bridal Bells Collection. Each piece, like so many others we offer, is fully customizable. Pair these one of a kind pieces with hundreds of loose diamonds we have to offer to create the perfect ring!

Click on image to view thousands of items offered at Diamond T Jewelers


Stuller Inc. is the #1 supplier of fine jewelry, mountings, and gemstones. The jewelry possibilities are endless with all they have to offer including their 3-C motto,


The also supply our location with the brilliant Counter Sketch program to design your very own, unique piece of jewelry. Read more about this within our custom design page

or click on the image shown here to go directly to their site.

Feel free to call us or stop by with any questions or special orders. 


With over 25 years of experience, Star Gems is one of the leading manufacturers of designer, bridal engagement rings and high-end fashion jewelry. The collection entitled VOGUE, the World's Most Captivating Jewelry, includes an exquisite bridal line, earrings, pendants, and bracelets.

All pieces are also very much customizeable! 

Click on the image shown to see the full line. Feel free to call or stop by to see our in-store collection and inqure about our unbeatable pricing on custom mounts and loose diamonds!


Overnight Mountings is one of the worlds largest mountings manufacturers. They offer thousands of jewelry mountings ranging from antique styles to modern trendy designs.  Follow this link to their bridal offerings.  Diamond T Jewelers offers a 33% discount off their suggested retail prices. Jot down your favorite style#'s and bring them to us for thee final price and availability.

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Monogramed jewelry is classic and timeless.

Stop in to order your special piece. They always make the perfect gift for any occasion!

All items are offered in a variety of metals, colors and pricing options. The turn around time is usually 7-10 business days.

Click on above image to see the full Rhythm of Love Collection

Rhythm of Love Collection

Lavish Jewelry Cleaner

Finally, one cleaner for all your jewelry. Lavish is a non-toxic, biodegradable, soft foam that effectively returns the “wow” factor to your diamonds, precious gems and metals, even delicate stones like opals and pearls clean up confidently. 

By far the best jewelry cleaner for your stones! -No really, this is what we use in the back that leaves your jewelry looking fabulous!

We buy Gold, Silver and Coins!

Jewelry Repair   Engravables   Bridal/Engagement   Custom Design

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